Friday, October 10, 2008


My stunach and head have been sensitive ever since we arived. This, coupled with Vietnamese hospitality and cuisine, has been tricky at times. Guests are very important, especially strange visiting family from America, and they will prepare all kinds of food and keep filling your bowl whenever its aproching empty. thus, I have discovered a traveling trick for all of you small or sensitive stumachs out there...never let your bowl go empty, eat slowly, and "No Roy" means 'I'm full"!Most of Vietnamese food I really enjoy; noodle bowls, soups, rice and spring rolls. However, they eat many parts of animals that, as my father puts it, I never knew existed! Ah, such as large shunks of fat, sinues, intestans, toung and bone. Also, they consume large amounts of soda and candy. this whole comming month, traveling with Thay (Tick Naht Hanh)and the sangha, we'll be eating vegitarian...and I think I may continue the trend.


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